New York bookseller documentary, ‘BookWars‘ has found a growing new audience in the UK during this time of lockdown. A lot of folks in the United Kingdom seem to be enjoying the contempory classic New York #movie, ‘BookWars‘ in this time of lockdown (note the blue line for UK versus yellow for USA:) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01LFE410E

With the recent and unexpected instagram and social messages regarding the flick, it’s a pleasant surprise to see our absolutely truly indie New York booksellers documentary is still chugging along with whole new audiences more than two decades after its release#filmmaking #indie #Amazon #streaming #hollywood #tv #entertainment #lockdownlife #lockdown2021

So, if you or someone you know is interested in a film, movie, or documentary about New York booksellers, urban American street life, or New York antiquarian books and bibliophiles, be sure to check out ‘BookWars’ on Amazon Prime video and other platforms!
In BookWars, a superb nonfiction film by first-time feature director Jason Rosette, books are more than sources of knowledge. They are merchandise that’s appraised, bought and sold. They’re also artifacts, sometimes clean and intact but more often damaged, whose condition at the point of sale says plenty about the conscientiousness of the seller. Most of all, they’re an addictive substance. Rosette, a former street bookseller, makes the point that while his brethren tend to be more educated than the average Joe, and much more aggressive in extolling the virtues of reading, when you get down to it, they’re basically junkies chasing a rush. The specific type of rush varies from bookseller to bookseller: some of Rosette’s subjects get off on the idea of spreading self-empowering knowledge, or belief systems that terrify the establishment; others seem to get a charge out of interacting with customers, whose eccentric ranks include a surprisingly high number of repeat clients; still others sell books because they’ve been doing it for years and can’t imagine any other life. They’re dealers who are hooked on their own merchandise. “When (people) get hold of a good book, they get intoxicated, they get high,” (continues here) – Matt Zoller Seitz, New York Film Critics Circle