See New York Booksellers Documentary, 'BookWars'

New York Documentary 'BookWars' on Amazon Video, Steam, and other platformsSee the New York City booksellers documentary 'BookWars' yet? It is considered to be a contemporary classic independent New York feature film.

Over the years, 'BookWars' has screened & aired around the world at venues including: Arte / ZDF, SVT, NHK, PBS, Bravo!, Metrochannels, Access, PBS, MoMA (New York), the Danish National Film Institute, the New York Underground Film Festival [Winner, Best Doc], Cinema Village [New York City], Florida Film Festival, Kansas City Film Jubilee, Freedom Forum, Seattle 9-11 Media Ctr, FACETS, Brotfabrik (Berlin) - and many other venues. (Read Reviews of 'BookWars' here )

Video on Demand & Streaming

'BookWars' is an award winning feature length documentary about the life and times of New York City street and sidewalk booksellers.

SYNOPSIS: The gritty world of New York City street booksellers is exposed in a remarkable story that chronicles their lives and loves and their unique perspectives on life. Made on location at the sidewalk book tables of New York by a fellow street bookseller, 'BookWars' explores the other side of the book tables along the streets of the Village, on the Lower East Side, along 6th avenue, and elsewhere in New York City.

See the Mayor, the University and the NYPD try to shut them down!

DVD: Home Use and Public Performance

DVDs are still popular with cinephiles, individual collectors, universities and libraries. See info below purchase a DVD of 'BookWars' for home use and with Academic/Public performance license.

'BookWars' DVD with Extras for Home Use'BookWars' DVD with Extras - Home Use


  • Includes commentary version by filmmaker Jason Rosette and sidewalk entrepreneur, Pete Whitney
  • Also includes behind the scenes 'making of' multimedia show
  • Contact Camerado Media at camerado [at] camerado [dot] com with inquiries

'BookWars' DVD with PPR Public Performance rights for universities, libraries, and organizationsBookWars' DVD with Extras - Includes Public Performance (PPR) license

  • Includes commentary version by filmmaker Jason Rosette and sidewalk entrepreneur, Pete Whitney
  • Also includes behind the scenes 'making of' multimedia show
  • Contact Camerado Media at camerado [at] camerado [dot] com with inquiries


See New York Booksellers Documentary: Educational Film & Media Rental


'BookWars' is avaliable for rental or purchase from the Museum of Modern Art, New York, circulating film library

New York booksellers documentay, 'BookWars' is available for rental and purchase from the circulating film collection at the Museum of Modern Art


More 'BookWars' Related Items

Original uncut narration for 'BookWars'
WYNC Interview with 'BookWars' director Jason Rosette
The Making of 'BookWars' (ebook)
Newsprint ad for theatrical release of 'BookWars'
'BookWars' writer-director, Jason Rosette of Camerado Movies and Media

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